Saturday 9 March 2013

A Beary Scary Teddy Bear Movie

From creators Steve Goltz and Kevin Sommerfield comes a new experiment in terror. A throwback to the slasher films of the 1980's, "Teddy: It's Gonna be a Bear" tells the story of four college students that get more than the bargained for when a hit-and-run accident turns into murder. Revenge is a dish best served hot with a hatchet in one hand and a teddy bear in the other. Will they "bearly" be able to survive the night?

That's the blurb for this new Teddy Bear movie I've found that looks beary scary to me! I don't even know if I'll be able to watch it or it might give me nightbears! It's a short film that only goes for about 12 minutes but it's supposed to be pretty good. If I do get around to watching it, of course I'll post about it and let you know what I think. In the menatime here's a couple of reviews pulled from imdb.

Superior slasher short

Four college kids try to cover up a murder after they accidentally run over a man on the side of the road. However, mentally challenged lone witness Teddy (a creepy and credible performance by Keegan Bergen) tracks them down and exacts a harsh revenge. Director Steve Goltz, who also co-wrote the tight and engrossing script with Kevin Sommerfield, relates the taut story at a brisk pace, delivers a handy helping of graphic gore, and stages the inventively nasty murder set pieces with real flair and skill (one guy getting speared right where the sun doesn't shine rates as the definite vicious highlight). This movie further benefits from sound acting by the capable cast, with especially praiseworthy work from Mike Goltz as hateful foul-mouthed jerk Clay, Sommerfield as the wimpy Aaron, Dana Terpinas as the sweet Dana, and Nikita Vora as the foxy Jenny. Moreover, the filmmakers pay neat homage to 80's slasher fare by covering such essential bases as a spooky masked maniac, an eerie atmosphere, and even the obligatory raunchy sex scene. Daniel Delaye's slick cinematography provides an impressive polished look and boasts exceptionally fine lighting. The shuddery score hits the shivery spot as well. Worth a watch for slice'n'dice fans.

Classic tribute on 80s slashers- by folks who love 80s horror !!!,

I was honored to see this little short at Horrorhound Indianapolis 2012 at the Elvira Film Hunt Festival- it was a homage to 80s slashers , and with a gory comical twist! If you enjoy the 80s slashers, and all the charm they have in their own way , you will love this ! It makes you laugh , and go "I totally get it" , it is well worth the watch! So if and when you are able to see it- or go buy it from Slasher Studios - it is worth it- so- get on with it- buy it- or got o a con and see it! Now - if I go any further- I will take away surprises that would be best left to see first - so- that is your cue! Make these guys happy, Steve and Kevin- they will so spare you if you get it now!!

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